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Modern Business Management


This specialty is based on contemporary market requirements and in general is focused on modern business methods and tools used in management in different fields of business. Both B2B and B2C market management will be covered by the study programme. The specialty is about management in product planning, pricing, distribution channels, organising and controlling distribution policy and communication strategies for companies on both domestic and international markets. 

Core subjects (mandatory) include:

Subjects of the specialty include:

Each specialisation has a seminar – introduction and thesis tutoring as a complete set of activities, skills and professional experience gained from Tutors for Bachelor thesis.


Akademia Górnośląska
im. Wojciecha Korfantego
w Katowicach

40-659 Katowice
ul. Harcerzy Września 1939 nr 3
tel. +48 32 35 70 500, 32 35 70 532

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