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Modern Communication in Business


This specialty is addressed mostly to entrepreneurs or managers who wish to communicate with their target markets in a most efficient and modern way. The way of marketing communication with usage of different and often unexpected tools to attract target markets and build strong brand of the company and strong brands of the company products. Viral marketing, guerrilla marketing, influencer marketing – these are some of examples of ways of communication in contemporary market. The ways of using the marketing tools in communication with changing and demanding consumers on one hand , and the other companies, distributors and competitors on the other hand is another important part of this study programme. 

Core subjects (mandatory) include:

Specialty subjects include:

Each specialty has a seminar – introduction and thesis tutoring as a complete set of activities, skills and professional experience gained from Tutors for Master thesis.


Akademia Górnośląska
im. Wojciecha Korfantego
w Katowicach

40-659 Katowice
ul. Harcerzy Września 1939 nr 3
tel. +48 32 35 70 500, 32 35 70 532